Bravi by THAMEEN London

Bravi by THAMEEN London

“Bravo” is shouted out in a concert hall if something is outstanding. Brava, Bravo, but “Bravi “ shows extra appreciation for something extraordinary.

THAMEEN London has just launched another fragrance in their Britologne Collection.The Britologne Collection is an amalgamation of the words British and Cologne. The classic cologne structure is re- imagined and magnified with complex chords and accords with intensive projection and longevity. Of course, the British means different, quirky, eccentric and bold in style.

We were fortunate to listen to Christopher Chong, the Brand &Artistic Director tell us about the fragrance. Charming and devoid of any pretence, he told us of how he reimagined fragrances while in isolation in lockdown on a farm. He could, for the first time in his career spend time walking, looking at nature. But he missed Covent Garden, especially the theatre. He says,”Bravi’s adventure begins at the opera house, which is the most iconic building in Covent Garden. A place where love and passion for the opera ignites friendships. Chong tells the tale, “I missed going to the opera with my friends during the pandemic. As soon as restrictions were lifted, I organized box seats for the opening of a new production, so I could reunite with friends who shared the same passion.”

“It also happened by chance that a good friend of mine was the diva of the opera. Perfumer Bruno Jovanovic, whom I hadn’t seen for some time was amongst the invited. After the performance I mentioned to Bruno that it would be wonderful to mark the occasion with a fragrance to remember humane attributes we take for granted – trust, friendship and loyalty.”

“We imagine the opera diva finding herself in a helpless situation. In order to save the performance and to make it even more extraordinary, we re-create the scent of the Queen of the Night flower, which gives her magical powers. During the olfactory exploration of the Queen of the Night, we take the path of sensuality, but in a dramatic and over the top sensational way. The fragrance has to be extremely sexy, perfect for the evening. Intoxicating tuberose is spiced up with an overdose of ginger and dramatized with a novel walnut milk accord. The notes are blended in a way that accents the tension between them.”

This fragrance Chong says, is for dabbing on at night before you go out, and will linger on you when you wake up the next morning, reminding you of great friends and good times. It is very different, unlike what we have tried before, but it is the one fragrance that everyone has been intrigued by when one wears it. Of course, it is unisex.

Bruno Jovanovic is the perfumer. Bruno has spent over 20 years between New York and Paris creating some of the world’s most celebrated fragrances.

Both intellectual and artistic, Bruno is inspired by artists as well as philosophers. He borrows his motto from Kant: “Beauty is universal and has no concept.”

If you want something completely unique, this is the fragrance for you.

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