The Storytellers: Marina Appelbaum

The Storytellers: Marina Appelbaum

“The extraordinary begins with ordinary people like myself.”


Patrons of The Old Ducky French Café and Nikos in Pineslopes in Fourways, are very familiar with the classy proprietor, Marina Appelbaum. Warm, stylish, striking and with a big smile, Marina has a place in the hearts of everyone that knows her. In a hiatus from the restaurant industry, Marina used her academic background in psychology to catapult herself into the world of life skills training and activism. Her skills became a precursor for Life Orientation that is now being taught at schools. During this time she developed an awareness program for Standard Bank on HIV / Aids. Unsurprisingly, this program was soon used in over thirteen countries and she won various awards for excellence. This led to the decision to overcome the stigma attached to talking about HIV / AIDS by writing a book, HIV & Aids, which was illustrated by Sifiso Yalo. That book is now an international best-seller, is in its twentieth edition and has been translated into several languages.

If someone had to sum up your life story, how will it read?


What story are you telling with your work?

Sharing my contagious passion for beautiful food, wonderful experiences and new friendships

How did your career begin?

I started waddling around my mother’s kitchen as a 5 year old girl. My mom (and her two sisters, of course) owned and ran the iconic Three Sisters Cafe in Hillbrow for 28 years. I learned a lot about hospitality here. I helped cook, serve and hostess! It was a wonderful childhood.

What has been the highlight?

I was an Assistant to the Manager at the beautiful Ritz Hotel in London. We even hosted the Academy Awards one year and I met so many famous actors. Launching Old Ducky with my mother-in-law was also a huge accomplishment for me - it’s my 6th restaurant and I put a lot of my own personality into it, with more creative freedom. I also wrote a book, and will never forget the ‘high’ of selling the very first copy. Writing a book was a lot harder than I thought it would be in terms of navigating and compartmentalising my thoughts, and I’m proud that I ticked that dream off of my list!

How do you keep your energy going?

My insatiable drive to achieve and enjoy as much as possible. I love this quote by Louise Erdrich, from The Painted Drum: “Let yourself sit by an apple tree and listen to the apples falling all around you in heaps, wasting their sweetness. Tell yourself you tasted as many as you could.”

What is the hardest thing about achieving success?

As soon as the one box is ticked, it’s off to the next one. And I love every second of it!

Has things changed for you in the past three years?

COVID had a huge impact on the hospitality industry, and whilst it was challenging, it really ignited my creative thinking to ensure that our wonderful staff and partners could pull through the challenges together. I was truly impressed by everyone’s passion and dedication.

My youngest child has also left the house to go to University, and I’ve loved following his journey and watching him thrive. My one daughter has also just completed her studies at Brown University, and is currently starting her career in Paris. After completing her Masters at the Royal College of Music, my other daughter has now settled in London with her husband. I could not be more proud of my ducklings for exploring such big ponds with endless opportunities.

Who has been the biggest influence in your career?

My mother really instilled my work ethic. Watching how hard she worked and the success that she achieved with such warmth and grit left an everlasting impression on me. I’m so blessed to have such a caring, passionate and electric woman as my muse! My business partner at Old Ducky (my mother-in-law)
has also shown me how to remain humble throughout success and accomplishments. Her list of culinary awards and nominations are endless, yet she’s always kept her feet firmly at sea-level and is extremely graceful, talented and dedicated.

Of course, my husband Robert is just the most encouraging, supportive and level-headed partner who I
can always rely on to talk to. He understands me and has always been my biggest cheerleader. That level of encouragement and positive energy makes a huge difference in anyone’s level of motivation. Be very watchful of who you surround yourself with, because a flower cannot blossom without sunshine.

Do you have a motto you live by?

The best way over it; is through it. Don’t procrastinate, and don’t stop.

You are obviously a people’s person - otherwise you would not be where you are- is a trait you had to earn and learn? Or born with it?

I really learned how to link with people in my mom’s restaurant. Relationships are so important, and the way that you treat all walks of life says a lot about your character. At The Ritz, I learned how to engage with and take responsibility for all sorts of people - from royalty and aristocracy to Russian oligarchs and many other nationalities. It was a wonderful learning curve for me, and I’m grateful that I had the opportunity to learn in such wonderful environments.

What inspires you?

I absolutely inhaled the novel: The God of Small Things, by Roy Arundhati. The story really explores how small, seemingly insignificant things end up shaping your life and behavior. Whilst the book also themes around casteism in India, I found a lot of comfort in knowing that everything really does happen for a reason - even your failures. We are the by-product of our experiences, after all. It’s a stunning book and I highly recommend it. It won the Booker Prize in 1997 and is an absolute must-read.

What are some of your daily habits?

I take the time to take care of myself so that I’m better equipped to take care of others, and business.
I ENSURE that I get enough sleep (so important) and then I indulge in my grooming with regular hair, nail and skin appointments. A weekly massage makes a huge difference for me, too. Getting my endorphins from the treadmill, and a relaxing bath and book right before bed. Don’t compromise on your self-care!

What have been your most significant failures, and what did you learn from them?

Learning that I can’t do everything, and not delegating sooner. We all need some help and get more done with more hands! I had previously taken on too much, and you learned how to time manage and compartmentalise my passions and projects

How do you plan for your business’s future?

We have to keep reinventing and staying relevant. There’s no time to stagnate!

What has been your biggest “a- ha” moment?

Oprah Winfrey said in an interview that all the most successful people she had interviewed in her career all had one commonality: They knew what they wanted. Ensure that you know what you want and then take every step in the direction of that goal.

Top 3 websites or blogs you can’t imagine your day without.

I listen to the BBC PODCAST first thing; every single day. Damn hate to say it, but I check the reviews
on our restaurants which can be disheartening or frustrating at times. Customer service is not for everyone. I absolutely love Vanity Fair and promise this is true: I listen to a few Formula One podcasts. Don’t ask!

How do you manage your work- life balance?

I think this is what everyone struggles with, and I will say that it goes through seasons. It depends on who has what going on and can be a balancing scale at times. My non- negotiables are: a trip to Cyprus with my family every single year. I also love hosting gorgeous dinner parties for my friends, and my husband and I have a few local spots that we frequent. Old Ducky is one of them, of course!

Where do you see yourself in five to ten years from now?

I 100% see myself living in Cape Town. I love the ocean and it really calms and centers me. Rest assured,whatever I’ll be doing will definitely involve food!

+27 84 522 5227

HAIR & MAKEUP: Kelly-Jean
Instagram: @keljeans

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