Tribute to Conrad De Mol

Tribute to Conrad De Mol

A few weeks ago, Dossier Fashion Editor Pieter Black modelled his dear friend and the wonderfully talented Conrad De Mol’s winter collection for his brand De Mil. Due to lockdown, the shoot was done at Pieter’s home and with the help of family to stage and arrange the shoot. Despite the social distance between Black and De Mol, the shoot was orchestrated with De Mol online, curating and orchestrating via satellite, as only he could. 

The fashion world is greatly saddened by the passing of De Mol.

“I am struggling to come to terms with this loss. I’m absolutely heart broken. I was very dedicated to his work and need to way of paying tribute to his life’s work, his artistry. I’m so grateful for this shoot.”

Everything ‘Coenraad’ did, Black says fondly - using the distinctly Afrikaans pronunciation of his name, was top-tier, his presence on set as both artist and leader are second to none. 

“His laugh was infectious and rang across the set. It was his happy place. We shared many cigarettes together conceptualising his shoot and he never missed a lighter I accidentally pocketed, ha-ha…”

De Mol’s most recent collection is characteristic of his work. Sharp deep lines accentuate the body’s frame. The work stutters in layered fabric, easily incorporating complex textures, and perfectly sewn necklines. His line-work is extraordinary, cutting across collarbones, hips, and knees. He played on physiology; able to make the on-looker envision the body beneath the clothing without sexualising the person, each thread of cotton precise in execution. The work is deeply moving, with roots of both occidental and oriental aristocracy.  

Dossier pays tribute to Conrad De Mol, for both his incredible contribution to SA Fashion, but also for his wonderful friendship. We wish his family and friends condolences, love and strength during these dark times. Rest in peace dear friend, you will be missed.

Photography by Henry Marsh

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