Tribute to Juanita Køtzé

Tribute to Juanita Køtzé

I cannot end this week without this piece.

This week a million hearts broke. And I am not exaggerating.

The fashion, magazine, media world is full of envy, and ill intent towards each other - and I have experienced it full on in the 35 years of my career. But there was one person, and one person only - ever - that was loved by all. Loved by everyone she ever met. She called herself the Rare Librarian, her business name…but what was the rare truth is that she was the only person I have ever known how was loved and adored by everyone.

I met Juanita when she moved from Potch, and did her first Z Card (model card portolio card). We gave her a mic and she pretended to sing while I shot. It was such a natural performance that I never realised till years later that it was one of her first shoots ever.

I cannot say that we were close the last 8 years, as things happened that was out of my control. But there was a time that I knew her well.

We had a standing Thursday girls night, in Greenside, four of us, we never missed this date, ever. And Juanita was always on top form with her anecdotes, on these nights. My life was different to hers, I was an anxious single mom with big responsibilities. She was a free spirit who did as she pleased when she pleased. How she pleased.

I remember the stories she told me, sometimes in Parkhurts having coffee, her with her cigarettes, telling them so beautifully, almost as if she was being filmed. I always thought that she could have been world famous, but she told me this story. She was in the office in New York of one of the most influential men in the beauty industry. She sat in his office, and I can just imagine those long legs crossed over and her leaning back in the chair. Eyeing him out. I am sure she had no bra on. I am sure she looked incredible. He told her that if she came and did a sexual act on him, he will make sure she becomes a super model. She walked out of that office, left New York and never looked back. I had respect for that. I know who the man is. She did the right thing. But boy, she had it in her to be world famous.

Juanita used to flirt with my babies, and I always used to be amused and astounded. Then we will meet an old man on the street and she would flirtatiously speak to him in the same way. Passionately. She had a way of making everyone feel special, just by speaking to them. A rare gift.

But she also amused me with her antics. The one day she met a man in a red Mustang, and without knowing him, drove to Dullstroom with him. I don’t know if she told me stories like this to shock me, pull my leg, but I know for sure- Juanita lived life pedal to the metal.

The one time we did an ad campaign for Soviet, and the company was really powerful then. It was a massive campaign, and together, we sold the campaign to them. I will post it, it was amazing. So, in my studio, we organised a pre-prod meeting with all the Ceo’s of each Soviet division, and I had them around a table in my studio. I gave them cappuccinos and cake and we sat down. No Juanita. I kept on texting. Everyone was on edge, and getting really edgier by the minute. Pissed off. I made excuses, but we could not start the meeting without her. One hour later, she pulled up with her top less SL Merc and Carley Simon blaring from the radio and made a grand entrance. Laughing. “Oh I got a bit lost. Sorry! Hahahah!” I never saw a meeting of 10 men around a table go from agitated to delighted in one moment like that . I was in shock. She really had it !

You know, I had to work so hard for anything I ever got. Juanita had the world around her pinkie and she knew it. She was the centre of every stage. The centre of every show.

I launched a magazine with her with at a David Tlale show on The Mandela Bridge. It was a cold night. And I invited a client who just came out of hospital with chemo. And the Indian consulate came as well. I invited some very influential people. And the show was meant to start at six pm. I went to the back room, where Juanita was getting the models ready. It was now eight pm. And I just went to sit on a crate looking at this story. The show was more than two hours late already. She just smiled at me and said relax! She was unphased. In the end I had to leave before the show started. My parents were cold. But that was Juanita. Unphased by the world when I am in a reality where every thing phases me. I was in awe. A life force so different from my reality. It was astounding to me. But I respected it. She was a force.

Juanita is not going to be forgotten soon. A week ago I drank too much wine, as two of my friends and I texted each other about the situation, the cancer came so fast and strong. And I said to her, God should take me instead, you are so loved. So much larger than life. She read it but did not answer. And I mean it, I have been crying a lot. She had so much purpose, and so many friends, and so much life force.

We had some funny moments that we shared. I did her wedding pictures when she married a famous German Conductor, a man who intimidated me greatly. The wedding took place at the Russian Orthodox Church in Midrand, a beautiful place. I was told by the Priest, that at no time during the ceremony was I to place my foot on the same step as the Priest stood on. Strictly verboten. But I needed an angle for a shot and I lost my footing and there my foot went on the step. The Priest stopped mid sentence, giving me the death stare. I think it was in Russian if memory served. I was definitely going straight to hell. The groom glared at me. And Juanita winked at me with a small smile.

The wedding was the best wedding I have ever been to. On a roof top in Kyalami. A beautiful home. I went early to take pictures, and it was absolute chaos. I thought it was going to be a disaster. And then, just like clockwork, when it started everything was perfect. There were flag poles on the roof, and the flags performed as if staged, blowing in the right direction. I was astounded. Again.

That is why this is so hard to write and why my tears just have no end. I saw her as a woman that would go back into modelling later and with a bush of grey hair and be our own Iris Arpfel. I could see her old. I could see that she would still have huge impact. I saw it all. So this end, does not make sense to me. She entered the world, as she left. Larger than life.

My heart breaks in a million pieces for her new husband, their vows just made a few days ago. My heart breaks for Louw her brother, as his anchor is no more. I can’t even think about her parents. I am sad for us all.

I knew Juanita for 30 years. And I can tell you now, there has never been a more loved woman in this country.

I salute you Juanita - you had such Joie de Vivre, you really were the happiest person I have ever known. Your smile and laughter sits in all of our minds right now.

You will have many messages on social media posted and you will be praised for that spirit that you had. I took Juanita to church once, and the pastor had a prophetic gift. He called her forward and said to her, “You are electricity. Everything you touch will light up”. And he was right.

I just wished she did not light so many cigarettes. But what a woman. Electric Juanita.

You are not gone, you will live in us all. Till we see you again. Au Revoir, for now.

Thank you Bernard Brand for the photographs. You captured her as she was.

I will find some of our old photos, and post them later. RIP

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