Win a Craig Banks Portrait

Win a Craig Banks Portrait

You can win a portrait by Craig Banks, a portrait artist who works in charcoal and ash. View the technique above. With so many people who have lost loved ones this past year, Craig knows the value of a beautiful portrait. Now you have a chance to win one. Add your name to our Instagram post @DossiermagazineSA

We had a little conversation with him:

Tell us, who is Craig Banks?
Craig Banks is a 100% self-taught pencil and charcoal portrait artist from King Williams Town, a small town in the heart of the Eastern Cape.

What is it about portraits - why did you chose that angle in art?

Portraiture fascinates me. It's not only about capturing the look of the subject but also about capturing the subjects essence, personality and mood.

Tell us about your technique?

I've always enjoyed the soft touch and chaotic accuracy of dry mediums such as charcoal and pencil. Black and white portraiture has a singular, timeless quality which I absolutely adore.

Recently, I have developed a technique in which I incorporate cremated ashes into a charcoal portrait. While many an eyebrow has been raised at this specific artform, I feel it's a beautiful, unforgettable and unique way to honour a loved one.

What inspires you?

People in general. But specifically their expressions. Every face has a million stories to tell if you look close enough.
I stare at people alot and I'm quite surprised that I haven't been kicked out of Pick ‘n Pay yet.

What do you want to achieve with your art?

To be known, respected and being able to make a living off one's art, I think, is every artists dream.

Personally I would like to use my God-given talent to bless others every day, for my art to be accessible to people in every walk of life while humbly providing for my beautiful family.

Who is your favourite artist?

Without a doubt, Vincent Van Gogh.

He was a troubled yet supremely talented artist who lived the majority of his life in solitude. He died in poverty and only managed to sell one painting in his lifetime. His paintings are now worth millions.

Immortality is just a brush stroke away.

What is it like being an artist in South Africa? Do you feel supported or is it a solitary struggle?

Being an artist in South Africa is an uphill and lonely battle if you're unable to make the right contacts.

Artists have to take it upon themselves to market and distribute their works as the business of art has never been taken seriously. So much talent falls to the wayside due to lack of resources, support or even a kind word.
Social media has been an invaluable tool in the marketing of art but nothing beats real world support.

You are a funny guy on Facebook, in closing - tell us your favourite joke.

Ah I knew this was coming!

Ok here's one...

How many surreal artists does it take to change a lightbulb?
Three. Two to hold up the giraffe, and one to put the clocks in the bathtub.




Whatsapp: 063 928 7859


Instagram: @craigbanksart83

Twitter: @CraigBanksArt

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