Zoom Whitening

Zoom Whitening

Getting your teeth whitened is one of the quickest ways to look younger and fresher. Coffee, smoking, red wine, and some foods causes discolouration which cannot be removed by toothpaste and brushing alone. White teeth instantly communicates youth, health and well-being. And it is something you can easily and effectively achieve.

In 45 minutes you can have teeth whitened by as much as 8 shades by the Philips Zoom program.

Not surprisingly, Zoom is now the most sought after whitening treatment available. It is fast, pain free and absolutely hassle free.

A Zoom dental clinician can customize a treatment to suit each individual patient and to achieve the best results. There are home kits or ‘in chair’ treatments done by only the best dental clinicians. Zoom is only available through trained and qualified dental clinicians, so there is zero worry of damaging teeth or enamel.

This is what to expect. Firstly, your teeth will get a thorough cleaning. A mould is made of your teeth, to create the kit that you will use at home to boost the whitening even further after treatment. Gums are protected to prevent sensitivity, and whitening gel is applied. Thereafter you lie under the LED lights for up to four 15 minute sessions. And that is all! It is as easy as that.

Both in-office and take-home gels have a pH booster, meaning it is completely safe for your teeth. All gels contain amorphous calcium phosphate, sodium fluoride and potassium nitrate to help remineralize and desensitize the teeth during the bleaching process. The active bleaching ingredient for in-office whitening gel is always hydrogen peroxide, where the take home ampoules may contain either hydrogen or carbamide peroxide.

Zoom also offers a lifetime program.

Simply book and pay for a full in-chair whitening using the Zoom Whitespeed LED light and they will give you two free bleaching syringes at your first appointment and one free syringe at each six month visit.

Visit the same dentist or hygienist every six months for a cleaning or a check-up and in return for your commitment, they will keep your teeth healthy and white for life.

To find a dentist near you : zoomwhitening.co.za 

For more enquiries, please email emma@zoomwhitening.co.za

Image by Richard Keppel-Smith

Make up by Berice Dodd

Natalie Field Photography

Natalie Field Photography

Lori Schappe-Youens Art

Lori Schappe-Youens Art