BYREDO: Desert Dawn

BYREDO: Desert Dawn

Creativity born from a Desert State of Mind

Desert Dawn represents an idea of the desert as an internal landscape of the mind, a place one can visit to access creativity. Like rhythms in nature, the imagination ebbs and flows, patterns form, and energy is harnessed from instinct into expression. Sometimes the wind seems silent, at other times it roars. Dunes of sand answer to their own frequency and tempo — often not as still and quiet as outwardly perceived.

Desert Dawn traces the meandering motions of the creative process, which is never linear, but sees new ideas that come forth at any given moment, just like the dawn. Nature’s creative juxtapositions are celebrated through an olfactive intensity that is balanced with a new and unexpected freshness.

Opening with inviting sweet spices of Cardamom and Rose Petals, wood-forward notes recall the dry heat of the desert. The enveloping warmth of Sandalwood and Cedarwood form a powerful heart: powdery and slightly earthy. At the base, an enticing finish lingers with the rich smokiness of Vetiver and Silk Musk, enlivened by the crisp, clean scent of Papyrus.


The campaign for Desert Dawn takes place among the Maspalomas Dunes in the Canary Islands, where Cherokee Jack is captured through a series of portraits by amazonian born photographer, Rafael Pavarotti.

Perpetually in motion, the landscape of these sands is shaped by changing winds, showcasing the force of nature in the creative process – a balance between a soft, immutable presence and the boldness of change and transformation.

Cherokee Jack resonates with the artistic process of photography himself, as a “format for expression,” often travelling with a medium format camera to capture moments and places that are inspiring to him.

Desert Dawn is available at


Top: Cardamon, Rose Petals
Heart: Sandalwood, Cedarwood, Carrot Seeds Base: Papyrus, Vetiver, Silk Musk

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