Hand Renewal

Hand Renewal

By the time I learnt that I had to start driving with sunblock in the car, it was too late. The endless school runs, and meetings and trips with my hands on the steering wheel, caused what looked like cute freckles in my twenties. Alas, by 50, they turned into age spots, a really nice term for “geez your hands look old!”

In the past it was popular to go to your GP and apply liquid nitrogen to spots, and the “spot” would fall off in a scab in two weeks. I saw results when friends tried it, did not seem to be a total solution. Scarring was a possibility.

But now, there is a multitude of treatments available to not just treat spots on your hands, but general ageing problems. You can have a total hand make over. And the reason women are doing it ? The hands really give away your age. We wear our most precious possessions on our fingers, signifying getting engaged, married, having a child and other emotional experiences. You want to wear that with pride.

I went to Skin Renewal with my hands in pretty bad state. The one “freckle” was already at least 8mm big. Was I in for a surprise how easily this could be fixed. Don’t know why it took me so long. The treatment used was Acutip 500 which delivers light energy safely and effectively to treat individual sun spots and small spider veins. The cooled tip is ideally sized for treating age spots on the nose, cheeks, chin, and other areas of the face too. It can just as easily be used to remove sun or age spots often found on the most sun-exposed areas such as the face, chest or décolleté, arms, hands, and even isolated spots on the lower legs. The treatment is really fast, and not painful at all.

The visible light delivered by the Acutip 500 is selectively absorbed by the pigmented spots on your skin, so the laser zaps only the spot. Basically it is the heating of the pigmented cells which when it heals, causes spot to disappear. Voila! The removal of the sunspot is achieved without the risk of scarring or hypopigmentation which occurs with traditional cryotherapy (liquid nitrogen) .

Read about it here: skinrenewal.co.za/acutip-500

If you want a total hand make over- there is The 3D Hand Rejuvenation is one of the most effective non surgical hand rejuvenation solutions available and involves combining three clinical applications namely Dermal Fillers, Hydration Fillers, Mesotherapy with growth factors and peptides. Separately each clinical application presents a powerful solution for the most in demand, fastest growing procedure with no downtime for ageing hands.

Read about it here: skinrenewal.co.za/3d-hand-rejuvenation

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